Monday, August 17, 2009
End of summer...Beginning of school....
80 hours walked to and from work
2 volcanoes hiked
60 consecutive days pasta eaten(no joke)
xxx (use your imagination) bottles of wine drunken
15 flavors of gelato tried
1 failed watermelon eaten....UGH....
2942837 boxes moved (or so it felt poor back do protest)
4 EPIC days spent moving 2x
400 moments of nostalgia
200+ head bops while napping on a moving transportation
30 hours of work done for the entire summer (ok...hopefully it was more than that)
99 times I sighed at the weakness of the dollar against the euro
58 figs consumed
55 times "That's Amore" song got stuck in my head
17 uncontrollable fits of laughter
5 million drops of sweat sweated during Bikram Yoga
80 stitches used to sew yellow poka dotted curtains (I feel so domestic, hehe)
COUNTLESS number of times I dreaded turning 25....
COUNTLESS number of old jokes received
15 days since I entered the world of mid 20s....
I only hope to make out of 2nd year alive...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
How I ended up sick for the first time on Sunday...
Tribute to Sicilian food
Cornetto (con Ricotta)
This croissant FILLED (oh yeah, its completely overflowing) with Ricotta cheese and chocolate chips, is a typical breakfast staple of Sicilians. Sold in every bakery in the morning, the cornetto also comes plain, with cream, marmalade, or nutella. Dan, Jess, and I would often stop to grab a cornetto on our 1 hour walk to work every morning.
Literally meaning little oranges in Italian, this cutely shaped fried rice ball is my favorite lunch pick me up. It is a rice ball with fillings like cheese, ham, ground meat, spinach. People often eat it here as a snack, quick lunch, or part of the antipasti. I'm not sure if I like it more for the shape of it, or for the actual taste..

look how cute they are!
Pasta con le Sarde
I was told that this typical Sicilian dish (pasta with sardines, fennel, raisins, and pine nuts) originated from Palermo and mom's home cooked version tastes better than the restaurant's. Nevertheless, I spent the first month of the summer on a quest for this dish. There is a mom-and-pop restaurant near work that we go to for lunch everyday. They have pasta con le sarde on the menu. And yet, the few times I've asked for it, they never seem to have it. After being rejected a few times, I gave up. But one day, Dan got to the restaurant before me. All the staff at the restaurant were excitedly shouting 'where is your friend?! where is your friend?! we have pasta con le sarde today!!!' It was sooo cute and funny that they remembered!
Panelle Panino
Panelle Panino is deep fried chick peas sandwich, served on sesame bread. It is usually sold in street car vendors. They deep fry it on the spot when you order, locking in all that fried oil and salty goodness..mmmm.....
Sfincione (or as Dan likes to call it, Sphincterotomy ^_^)
Another common pick me up food, Sfincione is a thick sicilian pizza, actually more like focaccia, topped with tomatoes, onions, and sometimes anchiovies (not cheese, unlike your everyday pizza). Sfincione roughly translates to 'thick sponge' and the texture is more or less that. It is much less dense than you expect, soft and light when you bite into it. Taste much better than it looks.
Babaluci! (pronounced ba ba loo sh! yes, you must pronounce it with the exclamation)
When our friend Gabe introduced the name of this dish to us, we loved saying it so much that it comes up in conversation at the most random moments. And what does this beloved word Babaluci mean? SNAILS. It is lightly salted and seasoned, bought in mass quantities for consumption. It reminded me a lot of the night market spicy snails sold in China. Babaluci is a bit too bland for my taste, but I love the name! Babaluci!
Panino con la Milza
Spleen sandwich stalls are everywhere in Palermo. I tried at a restaurant without even realizing what it was. It wasn't until a few days later that I realized I had consumed slices of RBC recylcing viscera on bread.... I must say, it wasn't so bad, tasted kind of like gyros. Not something I would crave when I leave Sicily, but not gut *ahem spleen* wrenchingly horrible, hehehe.
Bon appetito!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Viva Viola!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Romantic evening with Jess
Look at all those empty seats! Awww, Jess, you shouldn't have reserved the entire restaurant just for us ;)
One of Sicily's local specialty, Pasta con Ricci (Pasta with Sea Urchin) I think it was Uni, reminded me of Japanese food.
Gelato of the day: Bacio
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
While wandering through the streets of Taormina, I came across a Marzipan shop, which is very prevalent in sicily. A confectionary made out of sugar and almond flower, it is colorfully shaped into different fruits. I chose one in the shape of a fig (my newly discovered favorite fruit this summer). I may look very happy posing with the marzipan in the picture, but boy....did I hate the thing! It was so sugary and grainy, I took one bite, and banished that noisome object to the far corner of my fridge where it sat until Dan and Jess finally ate it yesterday. teeth are still in shock from it... Don't be fooled by the pretty colors and shape!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Our hiking trail
Gelato of the day: Bacio
Monday, June 22, 2009
catching up on the weekend
All in all, great relaxing weekend :)
Gelato of the day: Otto Veli (a crazy combo of pistachio, hazelnut, fudge, and nutella...and by crazy I mean, the best thing ever!)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Asian squatting...
1. The entire lenght of the feet must in full contact with the ground.
2. The 2 feet must be in parallel to each other (no plies~)
3. One's body must be fulling lowered so that the hamstring and the posterior calf make contact.
4. One cannot extend the arms forward to balance the body.
So I have a theory that most Asian people can do this due to the squatting style toilets that are prevalent in Asia. It was actually not until last year that I realized that there were many people in the states who cannot do this. So Dan, Jess, and I had some time to kill at the park yesterday, and we began talking about the Asian squats, which became a 30 minute conversation / demonstration session. To my pleasant surprise both of them were quite proficient in the art of Asian squats. Here's a picture taken just for the pure absurdity of the conversation that went on.
Please try this at home and tell me if you have had success with this.
Gelato of the day: Tiramisu (sadly, not as good as I had hoped...)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sicilian Foood
So a full course meal here consists of an appetizer aka "antipasti" which literally means before pasta, primi (usually a pasta dish), secondi (main course - usually meat or fish), followed by salad, followed by dessert. We each tried a bit of the different types of appetizer. My personal favorite was prosciutto with melon, which I've never had before.
And during dessert, one of the highlights of my trip happened. I wish my writing skills were good enough to do this absolutely hilarious story justice, but alas, it sadly pales compared to reality. And maybe it will remain one of those "you had to be there" stories. Nonetheless, here it goes:
So after the meal, the waiter brought us a table full of amazing looking desserts to choose from, some of which included velvety chocolate cake, fresh strawberries arranged in delicate bowls drizzled with fudge, tiramisu, etc etc etc. Because we were sooo full, we decided to share one dessert and Jess chose a dessert for us. She could have chosen any one of those amaaazingly rich and yummy desserts, but what did she choose? WATERMELON JELLO… Yes, that's right, a pale pink looking collagen that wiggles. I mean, of all the Sicilian pastries and desserts like Sicilian cannoli, or Bronte’s pistachio mousse, or limoncello cream with fresh strawberries to choose from, really??! I quickly tried to hide my facial expression, which Dan promptly called me out on. And for the next 15 minutes, we had such a good laugh over her choice that tears were coming out of our eyes. I had to desperately concentrate on the fern in the street to stop myself from laughing. Oh Jess, you are awesome! And in honesty, the jello was a Palermo specialty according to our waiter, it did look fancy, and the texture was a bit more unique than ahem…j.e.l.l.o…
a pogo!
Gelato of the day: Fior di latte (which I think it's like cream / milk) and Fragola (strawberry - a bit too tart for my taste)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Yeah Beach!

The 30 minute bus ride was a bit unpleasantly squished, offset by BOs that seem to pervade many Italian men for some reason. The beach itself was beeeautifully colored.

Gelato of the day: Pistachio (really popular in Italy - reeally good)
I also realized that I've had gelato 6 days out of the 7 days I've been here...this cannot go on
Saturday, June 6, 2009
My blogs might be spotty for a while since our wireless internet is temperamental, works one hour stops the other...and with it, our mood fluctuates as well...
We arrive to our first day of work!! only to find out that half of the people have taken off because the next day is a national holiday. Our first day at work was very short, we went in for basically 3 hours and had lunch with our mentor. He is from Northern Italy and over lunch, the stereotype Northern Italians have against Sicilians / Southern Italians became abundantly clear. Apparently, the south has a very slow pace of life where everyone is friendly, but efficiency greatly suffers because of the culture.
Jess and I decided to spend our day off wandering through the city of Palermo. The major streets were completely deserted!! All the stores and banks were closed, with the exception of a few gelaterias. We visited the Cathedral, the Piazzi di Parlamento, and roamed the major streets of Palermo.
Once we were home, due to the lack of recipes and internet, we decided to come up with our own dinner concotion. We bought a hefty loaf of bread, a 5 ft long zucchini (yes I am still taller than the vegetable), and tomatoes. So...we came up with our own Bruschetta!! It was delicioso. I was never a fan of olive oil and definitely not garlic, but after this summer, that may all change. Maybe I will also become a master chef...maaaybe not....
Gelato of the day: Banana