Day 2 and 3
My blogs might be spotty for a while since our wireless
internet is temperamental, works one hour stops the other...and with it, our mood fluctuates as well...
We arrive to our first day of work!! only to find out that half of the people have taken off because the next day is a national holiday. Our first day at work was very short, we went in for basically 3 hours and had lunch with our mentor. He is from Northern Italy and over lunch, the stereotype Northern Italians have against Sicilians /
Southern Italians became abundantly clear. Apparently, the south has a very slow pace of life where everyone is friendly, but efficiency greatly suffers because of the culture.
Jess and I decided to spend our day off wandering through the city of Palermo. The major streets were completely deserted!! All the stores and banks were closed, with the exception of a few
gelaterias. We visited the Cathedral, the
Piazzi di Parlamento, and roamed the major streets of Palermo.

But because all the museums were closed as well, we didn't really see much. At then end of our walk we had...of course,
Gelato! So basically, we took a 2 hour walk to get
gelato and back :)
Once we were home, due to the lack of recipes and
internet, we decided to come up with our own dinner
concotion. We bought a hefty loaf of bread, a 5 ft long zucchini (yes I am still taller than the vegetable), and tomatoes. So...we came up with our own
Bruschetta!! It was
delicioso. I was never a fan of olive oil and definitely not garlic, but after this summer, that may all change. Maybe I will also become a master chef...maaaybe not....

Gelato of the day: Banana