But, too celebrate the beginning of my summer, I've decided to start a blog to record my summer adventure (and beyond if I get into it). ~ Thanks to Jess for introducing me to Blogspot :) ~ note my awesome pun for the blog name - get it? ;)
Our apartment is super cute, with 2 chic balconies that make the place feel very European. It's a lot bigger than I envisioned with a big living room, spacious bedroom, kitchen, and bathroo And the view from the balcony is beautiful, if you ignore the smell and view of piles of trash in the streets. Palermo is currently having a "rubbish strike" so the trash is not being taken away...
Our landlady is a bumbly old woman who doesn't speak any English but likes to fuss in a older woman sort of way. She stocked our kitchen with utensils and cookwares, not to mention some food, water, and fruits to get us started. She insisted on showing us the details of how to boil a pot of water (which is my forte mind you).
After taking a 4 hour nap, Jess and I wandered through the streets near our apartment, which is filled with shops. We wandered into a small pizzaria that was packed with people. It's amazing how far you can get with just pointing and saying "grazie". Our first meal in Italy consisted of french fries Pizza and Pannini, followed by Gelato! Starting our trip the healthy way ;)
Time to sleep off this cold....
Gelato of the day: Cafe
I thought this blog was "xiao"'s blog, not "Chloe"'s. Hmph!