Monday, August 17, 2009

End of summer...Beginning of school....

Today began the first day of rather than studying Pharmacology like a good student that I vowed to be, I thought I'd recap my accomplishment from the summer instead:

80 hours walked to and from work
2 volcanoes hiked
60 consecutive days pasta eaten(no joke)
xxx (use your imagination) bottles of wine drunken
15 flavors of gelato tried
1 failed watermelon eaten....UGH....
2942837 boxes moved (or so it felt poor back do protest)
4 EPIC days spent moving 2x
400 moments of nostalgia
200+ head bops while napping on a moving transportation
30 hours of work done for the entire summer (ok...hopefully it was more than that)
99 times I sighed at the weakness of the dollar against the euro
58 figs consumed
55 times "That's Amore" song got stuck in my head
17 uncontrollable fits of laughter
5 million drops of sweat sweated during Bikram Yoga
80 stitches used to sew yellow poka dotted curtains (I feel so domestic, hehe)
COUNTLESS number of times I dreaded turning 25....
COUNTLESS number of old jokes received
15 days since I entered the world of mid 20s....

I only hope to make out of 2nd year alive...

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